Hello world!

Hello everyone this is a short introduction to my site and blog where I'll be talking about Tech, programming, GNU/Linux and possibly other things as well.


I am Dimitrije Dobrota, 19-year old freshman of Electrical and Computer Engineering, who is obsessed with programming and tech in general.

I've been fascinated by Linux for a long time and have been using it on and off for a number of year. It's been more than year and a half since I've fully committed and have been using it as the only OS.

This blog will be powered by stamd, a static markdown page generator written in C, that I am currently developing.

My other projects can be found in my repos or on Github.

Software I use

While I've experimented with a lot of different things, I've landed on the current setup by trying to find flexible and extensible but sane daily driver setup:


This initiative was inspired by Luke Smith, as he prompted me to reconsider the effects of being too dependent on social media, as well as showed me the benefits of owning your platform in modern day where people are susceptible to censorship.

This is a way of future-proofing myself from any possible problems that might arise down the road.

It's better to be safe than sorry...