Leetcode an honest review


My leetcode journey has started on Nov 5, 2022 as a way to prepare for algorithms class. As I've done more and more problems it slowly turned into an obsession. I was doing problem after problem, from many different categories. For the duration of 2023 and 2024, every single day, I've been doing at least one problem - a Daily problem if it hasn't already been solved, or a random problem if it has. Usually, that was all I did, but when I was bored, I would do 5, 10 or even 20 problems.

The summary is as follows (at the time of writing):


During the day, when I found the time, I sat down ready to tackle one problem. I would do my best to solve it without looking at hints and solutions. Goal was to find the best possible algorithm, which in practice means beating 85% submissions or more. Based on the problem, this would take anywhere between 5 and 20 minutes, and then I would try to utilize a hint, in case there was something I'd missed.

If that didn't help, I would turn to the official or community solution, in order to understand what I'd missed and how exactly does the algorithm need to work, then I would try to implement it myself, often more clearly and concisely. Even if I've managed to solve a problem in the satisfactory complexity, I would still take a look at the solutions just to see whether there is something worth remembering. I've picked up a lot of great trick this way.


Because of my competitive programming background from middle school and high school, I was already quite familiar with the format as well as logical thinking, which has kick-started the beginning.

At that time, I've been writing a lot of C, but I wanted to get good at C++. I'd seen STL before, but I lacked deep understanding of it all. I've started with some introductory problems, that mostly tested logic, but soon enough I started dabbling with more advanced topics like Trees and Graphs. That is where the real fun began. I was aware of the few algorithms from the class, but when it came time to actually implement them I was thunder struck. It was a crucial step at the time to take a look at other people's solutions and see how exactly are the data structures represented in C++ code, and how to interact with them.

As my knowledge of algorithms grew, so did my understanding of C++, although I've spent an additional time learning about it's inner workings. It came to the point where language was not an issue anymore. That's when I've started thinking beyond the problem at hand, and more about the codding style, as well as the best utilization of processor and memory.


There are many different kinds of problems, regardless of their difficulty:

Most of the problems require a specific technique to be solved, such as sliding window, two pointer, binary search... The more problems you do, the easier it will be to spot these patterns quickly, and implement the adequate solution. The issue may arise, when a few of these techniques are required simultaneously.


Easy problems are easy mainly because of the restrictions. Any valid solution, regardless of the complexity, will work. Most of them are trivial, but there are a few hidden gems that serve as an introduction to a well-known algorithms to be used in harder problems. This is a good reason to look at other solutions even if running time is satisfactory - inefficiency is masked by small constants.

Medium problems vary drastically. There are some trivial ones, some that are just tedious to code, some that require solid understanding of common algorithms and data structures, while some require specific algorithm that is worth remembering. Due to the wide array of possibilities, there are some medium problems that I've solved in under a minute, while even after I've done so many of them, from time to time, I come across one that I have no idea where to even start. This is a fact of life, and there is no point in beating your head about it.

Hard problems are weird. There are some that require ultra specific algorithms, some that require outstanding out the box thinking, while still being possible to come up with. My favorite ones are those that require perfect understanding of the common algorithms and data structures, then adding some twist to it, whether it's a combination or transformation that is needed in order for it to work. Some are just impossible to understand, even with a solution...


Doing 1500 problems is really unnecessary if your main focus are interviews. Focusing on neetcode will be enough for most people.

There are a few things worth remembering:


I'll be taking a break, possibly forever, form leetcode. It's been fun, but I've passed the point of diminishing returns for where I want to be, so it's better for me to focus my energy elsewhere. The lesions I've learned will continue to serve me in the future, both the algorithms and data structures, as well as the logic and general practice of coding.

I haven't given competitions an honest shot, mostly due to the incontinent time at which they are held. Although, they might be a new step forward, to keep me from getting rusty.